
April 24, 2011

[Nail Art] Pastel Easter

I'm not religious, but for those of you who are...

Happy Easter Sunday!

I actually should be studying for an exam right now, but...but....

The Easter Special is only a one-time chance out of one whole year!! T_T

Since I aced the first exam, I guess it wouldn't hurt my grade much. =P

Sorry, no Easter eggs! =O


 The Easter nail materials are:
  •  base coat
  • clear coat
  • white polish
  • blue polish
  • yellow polish
  • green polish
  • pink polish
  • silver glitter polish
  • sponge
  • Vaseline
 Step 1: Apply base coat

 Step 2: Apply Vaseline on the fingers

Step 3: Apply the Easter colors on the sponge in random order

 Step 4: Dap the sponge on to the nails

Tap lightly, and make sure your pattern is in the right angle!

 Step 5: Remove excess nail polish on the skin

Easily done with Vaseline pasted on to the hand =)

 Step 6: Apply silver glitter polish

Just to lighten up the matted colors. ;D

 Step 7: Apply top coat

Complete!!  =D

Before reposting, linking, or taking images from my blog, please let me know by leaving a comment with the URL.


  1. hmmm cute :] you should do my nails for me

  2. You should update more! I like your designs :]
    + I am giving you the adorable blog award:
